New Swim Set-up

I use 2 kiddie pools and just dump them out when I need them cleaned out! I am probably going to just put the pools upside down for the the ducks can get on them and keep there feet warmer.
Can I ask how many ducks you have and if one tub is enough for them?
We have 8 ducks. They are all around 6 months old. So far, this seems enough. they graduated from two baby pools to this. No more than 4 ever get in at a time, and the others either chill on the "steps" or in the grass on the other side. No fighting or bullying.

Also with it being collapsible is it holding up to them jumping in and out?
The amount of water in the pool keeps the sides nice and tight. The Muscovies jump and perch on the side and it doesn't waver at all.

How does the filter part work? Does it use chemicals or anything like that to help keep the water clean?
The filter is a single unit with a pump and bio filter in the base and a sponge intake filter on the top layer. No chemicals. The pump pulls the water through the sponge and it soaks through the bio filter, then jetted through the sprinkler. The unit has a UV filter option but we didn't get it. I will be checking the sponge filter in 5 days to see just how much it collects and judge from there how often to clean it. It is SUPER simple to take apart and clean.

Did the filter/tub come as a unit and if the was fountain part of it as well or something extra you added?
The tub and filter were purchased separately. The fountain is part of the filter unit.

Our ducks actually didn't mind the smaller pools. They took turns, semi-floated, and just enjoyed themselves. My husband and I just wanted to give them something more so they could truly swim, not just semi-float.

55" Pond-


Never too many questions on this forum!

Thanks so much for the info!
Update on the set up. Man, this filter works hard. We have figured out that we need to set the flow at maximum, which isn't a problem. And, it looks like I will be cleaning the filters every 2-3 days depending on the activity of the ducks. But, the water looks healthier and the ducks are in it all the time. I don't mind cleaning a filter so often if it prevents me from having to dump two baby pools twice a day...
Looks like a hit with your ducks! Nice set up! I use a similar filter but had to add the UV light to keep my water clear. Beneficial bacteria also helps break down the muck so your pump/filter don't have to work so hard. I use this one - totally safe for ducks. You may not need it, but if you start to accumulate a bunch a muck at the bottom or in your filter, may not hurt to give it a try.

I have that pool and was considering the pond filter for next year. Glad to see it may work--gives me hope. I may be getting a different pool though.

I believe most of the muck is mud versus poop, so my thought was to get a pool that is slightly deeper, where they can not dunk their heads unless they go up the ramp. They have a bucket for dunking.

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