New to backyard chickens.

Do you mean leaving the chicks outside overnight in the run? If so, I would say NO despite location or weather. Night is the time predators are making their serious rounds hunting up dinner. Any age chicken should be in their coop at dusk and locked inside.
Thanks for the encouragement. Our peepers look fully feathered.

We decided to just move them permanently into their sweet section of the run. My hubby moved the light out there (Making sure to secure it 3 ways, because I worry). It will be in the high 40's tonight here.
They are having so much fun scratching around, dust bathing, and talking up a storm to the older girls on the other side of the fence. The queen is not amused with the peepers, so it may been a while before they mix.
Welcome...lots of great info here for you! Enjoy and have fun!
I just integrated 6 new 9 week olds to our flock. We started by letting them roam around the run for a week so the big girls could get used to them. Then for a week we let the big girls out with them in the yard...they learn about personal space quickly in this step. then I did like you are doing now made a pen inside the run, and have a place for them to go the bigger girls can't get in. Yesterday we took the pen down, and last night was their first night in the coop with the big girls. Today I spent time observing and am confident they will be fine, they still have their little run ins with the big girls but they are few and far between.

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