New to BYC and Chickens in General - Vermont


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 5, 2011

I've been "lurking" for awhile and getting LOTS of great info, so decided I should be polite and introduce myself. I live in the beautiful state of Vermont, where we are currently experiencing our glorious two months of summer (otherwise known as "time to prepare for the coming winter which actually just ended"). I live in a small cabin with my husband, a puggle and two cats. I've always loved birds, and finally decided it was time to get some chickens. Rather than buy chicks like a "normal" person, I decided to pick up an incubator and buy eggs on eBay. I didn't know it would end up taking over my life! One incubator became two with a third on the way! I've done everything wrong, had horrible hatch rates, tried my hand at amateur carpentry with disastrous results but am having a blast and CAN'T STOP BUYING EGGS! Thus far I've hatched three chickens, four guineas, three runner ducks and 16 button quail (only to learn that they apparently can't tolerate cold weather, so I'm turning a small sleeping loft into an aviary and will have many more roommates this winter - maybe I should have researched a bit more before buying eggs!). I have around 6,547 eggs currently incubating (okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit).

Thanks for all of the posts! I look forward to learning lots from all of you!
Greetings from South Carolina,
. Wow, and I thought I jumped in without looking. Glad you are having fun, as you have found out, it is addicting, am envious of incubating, I am anxious to try my hand at that too. Good luck!

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