New to BYC/ Best New England egg layers?

EEs and BOs are great beginner birds!
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I have Barred Rocks, they have smaller combs, have been through 3 winters as cold as minus 7 F/-21C.
I got my 7 Rocks as day old Chicks in the middle of August.
They started laying in January and were excellent layers the first year, 6 to 7 eggs weekly from each.
At 30 months old I'm getting 4 to 5 weekly from each of 2 that have resumed laying after molt.View attachment 2547454
I've also had Golden Comets. They are winter hearty but have large combs and need plenty of ventilation. They are excellent layers, but they can have egg production issues around 2 years.
My oldest lived till 50 months old before becoming egg bound. Here she is at 48 months old.View attachment 2547485
My youngest flock, ISA Browns will be 10 months old tomorrow. They are excellent layers and survived below zero F temps but also have large combs. Some have minor frostbite from a recent Noreaster deep freeze. I increased ventilation in their coop.View attachment 2547497
These are the only chickens I've had so far.
My advice is look for chickens with smaller combs and tightly packed feathers.
Any of the Plymouth Rock variety, Rhode Island Reds, can be bossy, (I would keep by themselves if I got some), New Hampshire Red's, some strains lay less. Easter Eggers, small comb, can take forever to lay (6 to 9 months) and Ameraucana's
I'll pick up some for a more colorful egg basket if I'm lucky enough to be at TSC at the right moment.
There are many more breeds that are winter hearty and may lay less eggs. GC
Wow. Thanks for all of this incredible information!

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