New to BYC !!

Yes I have 3 RIR, 2 BUFF, 1 Black Sexling, and a Jersey Giant Rooster.
I also have 4 wild game hens that hang out with the chickens all day then roost in the trees above the coop at night.

Are your Buffs, Buff Orpingtons or Golden Buffs? Black Sex Links are my favorites. They are hardy and friendly egg laying machines. I've raised them for years (along with dozens of other breeds and hybrids) and they have been my best layers, consistently laying over 300 eggs per hen per year. You should get loads of eggs from that lady. Good luck with your flock.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Good luck with your flock! It sounds like a wonderful varied bunch of birds.

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