Hi there! I am new to chickens and have always wanted layers! No roosters for this family (at least not now... it has taken me 5 years to convince my hubby that having chickens is a good idea in the first place...lol)
I have been reading up on chickens and talking with our neighbors who have quite a few good layers about the pros and cons of having the birds. I finally, after hearing about costs this past week decided one more time to try to convince my hubby how much money it would save our family of 5 a week on grocery bills to just feed and vet the chickens. Turns out the 15 dozen eggs we buy a month costs WAY more than it does to actually have chickens
So, I was doing some more research online this morning, trying to find some wonderful coop plans and run across your website! Thought I'd join because I already found tons of useful information just buzzing through!
I can't wait to start on our chicken endeavor! And my kids are more than thrilled that we will soon have chickens! The breeds we are going to start with is two of each Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock and Red and Black Stars. So starting off with 8 birds!
The type of coop I am wanting is a nice walk in coop, we live in wisconsin, it gets quite cold here in the winters so I thought that having the boxes inside the coop would serve better for warmth in the winter instead of having the boxes that jut out of the coop. And a run, the chickens will not be free range, unless I am outside and can let them out to range while I am able to supervise them.
I have been reading up on chickens and talking with our neighbors who have quite a few good layers about the pros and cons of having the birds. I finally, after hearing about costs this past week decided one more time to try to convince my hubby how much money it would save our family of 5 a week on grocery bills to just feed and vet the chickens. Turns out the 15 dozen eggs we buy a month costs WAY more than it does to actually have chickens
So, I was doing some more research online this morning, trying to find some wonderful coop plans and run across your website! Thought I'd join because I already found tons of useful information just buzzing through!
I can't wait to start on our chicken endeavor! And my kids are more than thrilled that we will soon have chickens! The breeds we are going to start with is two of each Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock and Red and Black Stars. So starting off with 8 birds!
The type of coop I am wanting is a nice walk in coop, we live in wisconsin, it gets quite cold here in the winters so I thought that having the boxes inside the coop would serve better for warmth in the winter instead of having the boxes that jut out of the coop. And a run, the chickens will not be free range, unless I am outside and can let them out to range while I am able to supervise them.