New to chickens, and need help sexing barred rocks.


6 Years
Aug 22, 2013
Danville, PA
I need some help here, I have 6 total, all hatched on April 15th, do I have 2-3 roos, or do I just not know enough about chickens. I am new to this, but three have bigger redder combs, and wattles.

Is the one on the left a roo?

2 hens?


2 hens?

a roo?

a roo?

a hen?
A rooster...


Yours all look like hens to me!
How did you manage that?!
Tell me your secret please!

The ones with the redder/bigger waddles and combs will probably lay eggs first if they're not already :)
(Sorry I had to build up the suspense!)​
I see a bunch of pretty hens. Your girls are hitting the teenage phase, and they develop at different rates is all. Eventually, they'll all have combs like the largest ones, it's a sign of sexual maturity and fertility. Those girls with the larger combs are closer to laying, I'd say still a few weeks though.
Thanks for the replies! We are really novices, we ordered 3 more hens a few days ago, thinking we had a couple of roosters. I will be up to my armpits in eggs in a few months...I'll have plenty to share with friends and family
Pullets, and some nice looking ones.

We bought 4 BR chicks once that were supposed to be sexed pullets. A couple of weeks in, we noticed that one had a brighter contrast than the others. By 5-6 weeks, we started calling him "Henry" because it was visible that he was a "he".

On a sad note, Henry was killed by a group of raccoons just a week and a half ago. We're all still bummed about it. Henry took the blue ribbon in his category and the NC State Fair last year.
So sorry for your loss of Henry. I am always afraid of some varmit getting into the chicken coup. A co-worker of my spouse had his entire flock killed by a weasel.
Thanks. I didn't realize how much I'd grown attached to Henry myself. Looking back, I had a couple of previous raccoon incidents that I just blamed on the fox. We never had any noticeable signs of the raccoons but saw the fox often, so we automatically blamed him. Apparently the raccoons just kept working on it until they figured out a system to get in and wreak havoc. We lost 7 chickens in one week and the game camera didn't even catch them they worked so fast.

You've always got to be on your toes with the predators. The moment you get comfortable, they strike hard. I'm going to box trap everything coming and going from here out!

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