New to Chickens and Need Help


6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
Although I am reading books on Raising Chickens...I still would love some tips. For instance, I bought adult hens and they are already laying eggs slowly. I am happy but, they are not as dark yellow as I thought they would be. Someone mentioned cracked corn to darken the yolk up, well how much cracked corn? Is this in place of the 16 percent protein feed or in addition? Also, I want to give them scraps of fruits an veggies, but they didn't seem interested. Any advice on feed and health? I have 4 hens.
It's the hens that free range that get the very dark yolks (orange actually). They eat lots of bug and greens and that is what is required for that color. Do you ever free range your girls? Keep offering your girls the fresh veggies and fruit. Once one girl is brave enough to try it, they will all jump in and start eating. Congratulations on your new girls, and Welcome to BYC.

Our Country Chronicles
It's the hens that free range that get the very dark yolks (orange actually). They eat lots of bug and greens and that is what is required for that color. Do you ever free range your girls? Keep offering your girls the fresh veggies and fruit. Once one girl is brave enough to try it, they will all jump in and start eating. Congratulations on your new girls, and Welcome to BYC.

Our Country Chronicles
Ditto! and Welcome
I agree free range a few hours a day and the yolk will get better. As far as scraps it may take a while but once they get a taste. They will hunt you down like dog as soon as they see you!! LOL

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