New to chickens and think I have aliens


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 22, 2008
I am new to chicken raising. I have "inherited" some hens??? I have tried to find pictures of anything that looks like them for a while now. When I got these ladies??? the person I got them from hadn't been checking the hen house he had for them. He gave me hen house and all the hens??? and there are 5 grey hens that are laying brown eggs 'cause I've seen them (they have no shame, they will lay in front of anyone hehehe). There are 5 brown birds that I don't know what kind or sex they are. Occasionally, when I pick up eggs, there will be a white egg so I know at least one of them is a girl (now, which one is she....?). I am going to try to post some pictures so maybe someone can help, I feel so silly. I am trying to learn as much as I can, but sure don't need 5 more roos.

first pic looks like a roo second pic they both look like hens.But if im wrong dont

edit for spelling but not grammer hehe....
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First pic is a roo of a white egg laying breed (white ears)

Second pic the top one is a hen for sure... wish you were a little closer and the lower one on the left looks like a hen but could be a roo... I'd need to see a closer pic.

Good luck.

The top roo is beautiful. Looks like a Brown Leghorn... can't tell what the other two are.
If you could post some pictures showing your birds from a much closer distance I'm sure that by days end you will have your answer.
I agree, the top picture looks like a red or brown leghorn rooster. The bottom picture looks like two hens to me. I can't see their earlobes but they are colored like a Partridge Welsummer. If their earlobes are white like the rooster, chances are they are Brown leghorns as well.
Yep, I have light brown leghorns and those look exactly like mine. My understanding with this breed (leghorns) is that both males and females have large combs, but the females' combs flop over to the side. Also, you can always check for saddle and hackle feathers.
OK, think I got some better pictures. Has anyone ever been in a chicken argument. I've only had these birds one week and they already know who the food lady is. As soon as I got in the yard they were arguing for attention like little kids. A week ago they would just hide in the corner when a human was around. Now they argue over who sits in my lap first. The first picture is of the one I call runt. Much smaller than the rest with a really little comb. Again, thanks for all your help.




Firstly they all look like Light Brown Leghorns to me. The first picture is of a pullet. She hasn't layed yet and is at the bottom of the pecking order evident by her missing tail. All the rest look like they are laying or at point-of-lay. Interesting that they will sit in your lap. Leghorns have a reputation for being flighty.
Chickendaddy, maybe they just know how dumb I am so they're not afraid??? I was sitting in my chicken yard when I took these photos and all of the chickens were all over me and pecking at each other to get to be the closest. I'm not complaining though, just makes it easier when I need to do something with them. Thanks again. I think I've found my new favorite place to be besides at the barn!

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