New to chickens! Breed and sex help please!

Oh my goodness, I love it! I can’t wait for it to warm up so they can explore and have more fun! We are finishing up the coop this week and it’s still quite cold at night here so they have been inside with us!

SLW? What kind is that please? I don't yet know all the initials. I thought Pepper looked like an Americauna roo, all four of mine had those "sideburns" and they come in an incredible variety of color mixes.
Silver laced wyandotte
SLW? What kind is that please? I don't yet know all the initials. I thought Pepper looked like an Americauna roo, all four of mine had those "sideburns" and they come in an incredible variety of color mixes.
Also, chili looks exactly like my sagittas when they were babies. Mine were never that lighter red color down in pics.
And none of my wyandottes had sideburns. The brown with speckled wing tips looks like my golden laced wyandottes as babies before fully fletched. This is based only on my raising and observing several iterations of the above breeds, not actual know-how. So take it with a grain.
Hello! This is my first time having chickens and I’m so excited! We would like to have only pullets, but I am have troubles going back on forth on if they are pullets or cockerels. I’ve also had some difficulty determining breed! My husband picked them up and upon going he was going to get one Rhode Island Red, Wyandotte, one buff Orpington, and one ameraucana!
Upon arriving home with them, I know we don’t have a buff Orpington, due to none of them being the right color. The darker red, seems to be a Rhode Island Red, the black and white seems to be a silver laced Wyandotte, and I’m assuming the lighter brown one is an ameraucana or Easter egger? I’m not sure at all on the mainly white and speckled! They are all supposed to be 6 weeks old, we are already growing very attached to several of the chicks, so if one turns out to be a cockerel and isn’t one of our top favorites, we would like to swap him out while they are still young (the person we bought them from said we can swap out any roosters for hens whenever). I realize they may still be too young to sex by pictures, but any thoughts!? Thank you in advance!
Chili- Darker red- Rhode Island Red
Nutmeg- lighter brown - ameraucana?
Pepper- black and white - Wyandotte
Poppy Seed- white and black speckle- ???
Oh but i forgot the feet on Americaunas are green. So wow! What a fun puzzle!

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