New to chickens...


10 Years
Jan 21, 2010
Hi everyone,

About a week ago a friend went and picked up our chickens. He was told they were all pullets about a month old. I am now thinking I have more than half cockerels. My 2 that are buff Orpingtons I am sure enough about, they have a nasty temperament and just look like boys to me
and bigger combs than any of the other breeds I have. I need to get more pics of them all to post and get opinions on. The rest are 2 black Australorps (hope I get the spelling right on all these
), 2 Ameraucana and 4 Barred Rock. I think these are split on gender by breed pairs. How reliable is going by looks like a girl/boy in face/head? That's about where I am on the Auracanas and the Australorps. Same with the Barred Rocks except I read somewhere that the pullets are darker and that goes with my guess of which are the pullets in my group of 4. Any advice is welcome... I am taking the Orpingtons to him Friday to return but am undecided on the others that I *think* are not pullets...



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You are referring to the black & white ones? Are they Dominique?
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Yes, sold to us as barred rocks and also that they were all (all the breeds) pullets.
It looks like you have some roos. The seller could have thought they were all pullets or just told you so you would buy them.

Are the larger combs a lot brighter in color?
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