New to chickens...

The lighter ones is what I was thinking are the roos, are those the ones you think are as well? I am supposed to bring what I think are the roos back to the friend that picked them up today at lunch.

I would say the larger combs were more a bright red and the smaller maybe more a faded red.

Thanks very much for the help

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I would say yes the lighter ones with the larger redder combs are roos. In your very first pic the two in the back look like roos. Second pic the front is a pullet and middle is a roo and the back one is hard to tell. If they are only a month old then I would say to BO are both roos too. But to me they do look to be closer to two months old. This is just what I think which might not be worth much.
In the 2nd pic the 2 in the back are the lighter ones. I am comfortable now with what I have in the black/white ones and will send the 2 lighter ones back. The buff orpingtons are bigger than the others, I was not sure if it was an age difference or that they were just larger and more developed at the same age. Any thoughts on these below?


Looking at the 2 on the right, I am thinking the 1 in front is the roo, behind is the pullet.


Same that I think is a pullet from 1st pic.


Same that I think is a roo from 1st pic.


Looking at the 2 black in this pic, the 1 on the right is a bit bigger.


Black one in the pic is the 1 on the left in above pic.


This is the 1 on the right in the pic with both black ones.
Those aren't Buff Orpingtons, those are Easter Eggers, I believe you're correct on all genders, including for the black that looks to possibly be an Australorp.
First, Whitehart...I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bouviers!

The Blacks are Australorps. The other two your pictured are probably EEs and on is a pullet and one a cockerel, like you thought. I think both Aussies are pullets. Here is a little test you might use that seemed to work when I had mine chicks that age...put your hand over their heads, if the reach up to your hand, they are cockerels, if they cower, they are pullets. Funny, but it seems to work now even with my full grown hens and roo. As far as debating what breed, you said it didn't matter, so I will not be getting into that.
I think your chicks look to be about 7-8 weeks old.

The 2 buff orpingtons - definitely cockerels.

The 2 easter eggers (frequently sold as ameraucanas) - I think both of them are pullets

The 2 black australorps are pullets

The dominiques - the light colored chick with the wattles is a cockerel - the one in front is a pullet - can't see the one in back very well. In barred rocks & dominiques, the males are lighter in color, and have larger, darker combs & wattles (pullets this age won't have wattles yet). Pullets also have more of a dark wash down the front of their legs.

These barred rock pullets are about 7-8 weeks of age - this pic is a good example of the dark wash on their legs

This shows the comb & wattle growth of a BR pullet at 7-8 week of age:

I will have to get a better pic of their legs tomorrow. They do have the dark wash on their legs though. I found a website 'Dominiques_and_Barred_Rocks' and found this -
"The Dominique head is more refined and has a rose comb while all of the Plymouth Rocks have single combs. " All 4 of these had what I would have called a rose comb. So confusing
But no matter what breed they are, I think they are pretty cool

Seems the person who sold these chickens knew as much or less about chickens than we did, at the time... Reason I said the breed didn't matter is I was not going to get rid of any of them based on the breed they were. I was pretty undecided on 1 of the Australorp's and 1 of the Ameraucana's (gender), I kept the 2 of those I was sure on. Kept these 2 pictured below and sent 6 back with the friend that got them for me. He's going to keep the ones we are not sure about and he may decide to keep them all, not sure yet. So I have 4 of my original 10, really hated to see them go... Of the 6 he got for himself, he thinks he may have all roos, I have not seen them. Thanks to all that posted!!!

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I'm pretty sure only 4 of your 10 were actually roos and you gave away 2 pullets.

Here's a young cockerel (about 8 weeks) - notice the large wattles that the boys get early on

I'm on my 3rd set of EEs and I'm 95% sure your suspected EE is a pullet.

This is my 1st batch (only 3 that time) and I was convinced the 1 in front was a cockerel (she was so much bigger and her comb was wider) - all 3 are pullets. The chick on the right and the chick in front turned out to look like twins when fully grown (see 2nd pic)

The suspected pullet is the one in front in this photo - she is still much heavier than the others and also lays the largest eggs (they're 15 months old now). These 2 easter eggers are what I think your two EEs would look like when grown.

You can see pictures of their growth on my BYC page

You might want to ask your friend to bring back the australorp and the EE - it sounds like he already has plans for his free cockerels, so he/she should be okay with that and they have already bonded with your other 4. Two australorps, 2 dominiques, & 2 easter eggers would make a nice flock (good breeds).
Those 2 I have been thinking about... I will call him today and see if I can go pick them up. Money's not an issue between us on these chickens

I will find out this afternoon when I can go get those 2 back and get the new ones he got me (from another person, not the same one) to replace the roos. Not sure what breeds those are yet
More later

Thanks very much everyone!

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