New to chickens!

You are on a slippery slope. I was the same, started with 4 hens, sold some extra eggs, suddenly everyone wanted eggs, so I got more hens and they went broody and who can resist a broody? I sure as heck can't. So one day DH asked exactly how many chickens I had. I had 107
That is chicken math.

Oh, before you ask. I restarted with one hen in May this year, got given 2 more and a rooster. The hens went broody
I'm up to 15 chickens.

That's hilarious!
Hi Chickyen,

Welcome aborad the chicken train. We had our girls two weeks and we don't understand why it took us so long to do this. Already talking about another two in spring.

Look forward to hearing about your spring time adventures getting your hens
I am suppose to get my "first set of planned" chickens next week. LOL The first 3 were rescue chickens from our renter that medically couldnt take care of them. The 7 were from some friends that thought they had their flock under control until a hen came from under the house with 21 chicks. (They are so cute and all lived.) We had already put in our order from the chicken farmer for 15. LOL Chicken math for sure. I'm only in the 1st quarter of our chicken story.
Be sure to include Easter Eggers (Ameraucanas) on your list of desirable chickens. That is if you want good layers, and smart friendly chickens.

well I don't know about this whole "chicken math" thing... I don't have enough room
and up there ^ yes, Easter Eggers seem nice, but my mom doesn't want to be eating like green eggs.. lol. I was also wondering, I've heard that Barred Rocks can be pretty bossy towards other chickens... is that true? If they are bossy, I would rather get an Amber White.
well I don't know about this whole "chicken math" thing... I don't have enough room
and up there ^ yes, Easter Eggers seem nice, but my mom doesn't want to be eating like green eggs.. lol. I was also wondering, I've heard that Barred Rocks can be pretty bossy towards other chickens... is that true? If they are bossy, I would rather get an Amber White.

In my somewhat limited experience with barred rocks (observing about 5 or 6) over the past few years I've noticed that they mostly seem to have an attitude, both towards other chickens and towards people. They're bigger than most of the others and they bully them. That said, our neighbors currently have a barred rock who visits us every day and is as nice and polite as can be, and just generally tries to get along. She even leaves us an occasional brown egg in our henhouse. She's black and white, but may be some kind of mix.
I have one barred rock ( rescue chicken) everyone told me this was a wonderful chicken. She'll let you pat it and all. She pecks me. Likes my rings and buckles on my shoes. It doesn't hurt so I am giving her a little time to warm up to me. Put the new 7 chickens in there. They are staying pretty close to the roost. Few fights. The rock thinks she owns the place. Any suggestions to smooth things over or is this just the pecking order thing?
~New Favorite Chicken List~

I've been researching chicken breeds... here are a few ( kind of a lot :) ) chicken breeds:

Amber White, Brahma, Columbian Blacktail (or Red Ranger), Cornish, Dominique, Pearl White Leghorn, Kraienkoppe, Lavender Pekin, Light Sussex, New Hampshire, Olive Egger, Star, and the RI Red.

-Please reply and tell me what you think are the top 5 breeds in the list, based on availability, (I'm planning on getting chicks from the local feed store) friendliness, and the least flighty.-

Thank you all

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