New to chickens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
Hello everyone and thank you for the opportunity to be a member of this organization. A little about me. I have two chickens that were given to me by my daughter in January of 2014. They are barred rock. They are so much fun and have so much personality. However, one has broken her leg and it has been so hard to see her unproductive. I am at my wits end but I don't believe putting her down is the solution. So I am here to get input and some hope as to how long the healing process is. I always feel like we progress but then two steps back. I want to do the best to help her and have spent $700 o bets but have little faith in their knowledge. Can anyone tell me what kind of time I should expect for her to heal. I really want her to be ok. :(
great to have you joining the BYC flock

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I'm sorry but, I have no idea. Now and then on other threads people have mentioned fixing a broken leg.

You could put "How to fix broken leg." in the searchbox. Also post on the "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread.

Others may post after me with better advice.

Welcome to BYC!

I am so sorry about your Barred Rock. Have you tried taking her to a vet to have it set? If this is a fresh break, you can make a split for the leg, and reset it yourself. Use heavy tape like duct tape with popsicle sticks or some sort of plastic for a split. You would keep her in a very tiny cage with food and water right in her face. You would need to keep her like this for about 6 weeks. If it an old break, I am not sure if it would heal at this point and might need a vet to help reset it.

You can also post this in our emergency section here on BYC for more help in case someone else has dealt with a broken leg....

I sure hope you can get her healed up soon.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about your chick. X3 try posting in the Emergencies section, if you could post pictures as well as give a history and timeline and explain what the vets etc have done or tried to do, that may help.
Thank you for the heads up. I think I will do that. I have searched the web for information and I have not gotten much. I have lots of vet advice that some people may be able to use. Thank you
Good luck with your poultry raising adventures, and I hope you find everything you need to know. Don't forget to take a look at BYC's very useful learning center (If you haven't already)! The learning center as well as the forum should answer your questions! There is always something new to learn! Glad to have you here! See you around with the flock.

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