New to chicks

I would put them inside the coop.
I am trying to make it look like a barn. On my page I have a drawing of what I want it to look like when I am done. This has been a very cool experience for me and my kids; not so cool for my wife.
Looking good rriveramri!

Keeping food inside the coop might help deter varmits from robbing your feeder. Might. Maybe. Anyway, it'd stay dry.

With all that real estate you have up above the coop, you might think about putting a 3 or 5 gallon bucket up top and run a pipe or tube with a chicken licker nipple at the bottom for a convenient watering station ( I'm guessing, since you're in LA, you won't need to worry about the outside container freezing.)

Here's a sketch of what I mean:


Yes, I am a professional

With that setup and 3 chickens, you'd probably only have to top up the bucket once a month. Just a thought.

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