New to forums


In the Brooder
Nov 23, 2015
So. Illinois
Hello all! New to the forums and figured I would introduce myself. I'm Crowlung, and I've been around chickens my entire life, excluding my years in the army (wasn't in the 101st, puking chickens lol). Grew up wrangling wyandottes and rearing rhode island reds. Recently tasked with caring for a small number of buffies in semi free-ranged environment. Have some questions and this seems to be a good place for some answer for operations large and small.
Glad you joined us! You're right this is a great place to gather helpful information! Don't miss out on the Learning Center which has a wealth of information!

With your experience you'll probably be offering a lot of us advice before long! I always encourage new members to check out their State Thread too! For you that would be . I've really enjoyed connecting with chicken keepers from my state!

Thank you for your service. Make yourself at home here, jump in the discussions, share stories & pictures, ask questions...there are a lot of friendly members here and we all help each other out.

It's nice to have you here!

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