New to geese


7 Years
Jun 1, 2012
Winfield, KS
Hello everyone - I just bought 3 adorable little goslings and this will be a new adventure for me. I have 3 cayuga ducks they'll eventually live with.. Other than geese and ducks, I have chickens, guineas, barn cats, 2 Great Pyrenees and 2 parrots. I live in south-central Kansas on beautiful 27 acres and am also putting in my first garden ever this spring. Country life is full of fun and opportunity to try new things.
Wow, that sounds great! What all do you do with your 27 acres?
I haven't been here too long - moved early July (without power or water yet!) Since the move, we've built a nice chicken coop and have about 27 chickens in the coop, a few guineas, 3 ducks in the lagoon (which is where my cute little geese will go when they get bigger), some barn cats and 2 Great Pyrenees! Will be doing a garden this year too :) It is mostly old crop field with about 10 acres of water/cattails galore (dried and mowed cattails make great bedding too!). I tried goats - for like 4 days! Not for me.. I like the poultry :)

What kind of animals/crops/etc do you have?

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