New to group, North Dakota


14 Years
Mar 30, 2008
Hi, I am new here and will spend some time lurking and feeling my way around the site (looks like a GREAT group!) How many others are in North Dakota? I have seen one so far... I am addicted to poultry. I have chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys (still trying to talk DH into peafowl
Anyhow, just wanted to wave Hi!
Welcome to BYC Frosty! I think we're getting some wind from your state today... it's blowing fiercely from that NE... there's some people down in Arizona getting some of our trash today:gig
HI, I am in ND too!
I live up north of Minot.
Good to see a fellow North Dakotan on the board! I don't come on here very often, but I will subscribe to this post.
Where abouts in ND are you?
It is nice to see some people a bit closer than the atlantic ocean! I have 20 RIR hens, and 16 guineas right now.
What kinds of chickens do the rest of you have?
I was gettin worried, I looked in the APA yearbook and there are 2 members from ND. I have been wanting to move to ND for about 2 or 3 years. I have been thinking the eastern side of the state, seems more green.
What do all of you North Dakotans like and dislike about your state? Would you recomend it or say 'stay away'? I am used to harsh winters and hot summers here in Northeastern Washington. What else should I know about your state?


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