new to incubation

I just candled and I have 5 for sure alive!! out of 11. Whew... I'm just wondering if I missed counted my days. I put them in at 9:30 am and seen that I needed to count that day as day one. Is this correct?
No the day you put them in is the set date. Day one is 24 hours later. I tried the water thing with my clutch from broody Betty, who is broody yet again. Her 2 youngest is only a month and a half old. With the water test, none of the eggs moved at all yet 8/10 hatched. I'm not sure if I myself can trust it. I'm afraid to open the bator and see what's going on, but 5:35 equals exactly 21 days after set date.... Still nothing.
I was honestly wondering about that. I have a lot of water trying to get some condensation going, even tried to up the temp. to about 102° thinking that may help with humidity. I'm in Mississippi and it is pretty humid here still.

I am also in Mississippi. For hatching you can lower the temp about a degree to help with heat stress. I usually fill the channels with very warm water and add a sponge if necessary also with very warm water. This should be adequate for humidity. Leave out the plugs as the chicks will need all the oxygen they can get. Did you calibrate your thermometer and hygrometer to check for accuracy? If they haven't pipped just yet your temps may have been a bit low and the hatch could be delayed. Hang in there it sounds like you are doing great. If you have to open the incubator for any reason use a clean spray bottle to spray very warm water to allow humidity to stay up. Humidity is best between 65 and 75% for hatch. Good luck!
Thank you. there are no pips yet. I'll keep you all posted. I grew up on a farm but all our hens did the work. Just recently (last spring) I got chicks from tractor supply, all isa Brown's and realized there only good for egg bad!! So that has led me to incubation. After I purchased the little giant incubater I realized again that it's not a first choice by many. I'm learning.slowly but surely...thanks again.
Thank you. there are no pips yet. I'll keep you all posted. I grew up on a farm but all our hens did the work. Just recently (last spring) I got chicks from tractor supply, all isa Brown's and realized there only good for egg bad!! So that has led me to incubation. After I purchased the little giant incubater I realized again that it's not a first choice by many. I'm learning.slowly but surely...thanks again.

The incubator temps may have also been slightly low in yours too. I understand that the styrobators can be temperamental. It is nerve wracking especially for tour first hatch. My temps were low on my first hatch and I hatched 5 out of 7 days 21 to 22. Fingers crossed!

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