New to Quail


Feb 4, 2019
Hi I'm new to raising quail and I just want to ask some questions.
1. What do I do if it gets cold. Do I install a heat lamp in the coop?
2. My neighborhood has possums and raccoons and hawks and one of my neighbors chickens were eaten by a possum. What would be a good coop to build/coop to order to keep my quail safe?
3. I may have some more questions later on so where would be the best place to ask them?
Hello! Welcome to byc! How cold does it get where you are? As long as your pen is draft and rain free they should be fine. And have a floor on your own and use hardware cloth, not chicken site wire to keep away predoters. If you have any more qeustions, ask them where you are, in the quail section. Hope this helps!
When in design of your pens they are not like chickens in space wise. Requirements for space in corturnex is .75 to 1 SF a bird. I build my pens 2x2x1 up off the ground about 3.5 ft with a roof over them. I did keep 4 hens and 1 cock per pen. I sold out and now getting set back up. It worked well then and will again.
Hi! Glad you want to raise quail. What species do you have?
  • Most quail do well in colder temperatures with adequate windbreak and a place out of the rain/snow. Quail don't typically use a coop the way chickens do, so if you want them to shelter in one during bad weather you'll have to train them.
  • Any coop that uses 1/2-inch hardware cloth on the sides and meets their space needs (1 sqr ft/bird minimum) will work. Building your own run/aviary might be cheaper per square foot, depending on what materials you can find. Will you raise them on the ground or on wire?
  • Quail questions get the best answers from here, the quail forum.
Hello! Welcome to byc! How cold does it get where you are? As long as your pen is draft and rain free they should be fine. And have a floor on your own and use hardware cloth, not chicken site wire to keep away predoters. If you have any more qeustions, ask them where you are, in the quail section. Hope this helps!
It might get as cold as the low teens sometimes during the winter. My neighbors had to keep their chickens inside when it got that cold so thats what I'm worried about. And I should have an elevated floor? What you said about my own floor is a bit confusing to me. Thanks for the help
Hi! Glad you want to raise quail. What species do you have?
  • Most quail do well in colder temperatures with adequate windbreak and a place out of the rain/snow. Quail don't typically use a coop the way chickens do, so if you want them to shelter in one during bad weather you'll have to train them.
  • Any coop that uses 1/2-inch hardware cloth on the sides and meets their space needs (1 sqr ft/bird minimum) will work. Building your own run/aviary might be cheaper per square foot, depending on what materials you can find. Will you raise them on the ground or on wire?
  • Quail questions get the best answers from here, the quail forum.
Thanks for the help, it cleared up a lot of things. And whats the diffrence between ground or wire. Do you just mean elevated or not and how do I train my quail. Sorry I'm very new to this
Thanks for the help, it cleared up a lot of things. And whats the diffrence between ground or wire. Do you just mean elevated or not and how do I train my quail. Sorry I'm very new to this

No problem!

You can raise your quail in contact with the ground on deep bedding, deep litter, straight dirt, sand—any substrate, really. This is how I do quail, in an aviary setting.

People also raise their quail off the ground, standing on wire. I can't recommend wire, but it works for many people.

You can sometimes train them to use a ramp and coop in a pre-fab structure. I've heard of people having success tempting them inside with treats or locking them in until they figure it out. Coturnix don't roost at night, and prefer to sleep on the ground. AFAIK, wilder quail species will roost.

What kind of quail are you raising?
No problem!

You can raise your quail in contact with the ground on deep bedding, deep litter, straight dirt, sand—any substrate, really. This is how I do quail, in an aviary setting.

People also raise their quail off the ground, standing on wire. I can't recommend wire, but it works for many people.

You can sometimes train them to use a ramp and coop in a pre-fab structure. I've heard of people having success tempting them inside with treats or locking them in until they figure it out. Coturnix don't roost at night, and prefer to sleep on the ground. AFAIK, wilder quail species will roost.

What kind of quail are you raising?
I think I'm raising Coturnix quail. If they sleep on the ground, wouldn't it make it easy pickings for some animal. I'm worried a possum would get through the wire and have a late dinner but at the same time I trust the hardware fabric. Is there anything that might be better or stronger to protect it from animals.

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