New to quail.

Thank all of the great people on this thread. Great info for a nebe, will lower my humidity and try that. It seems that there is a lot of different things I read, so many people have different humidity settings. Never know what is right. Thank you all
Hello 👋 Congratulations on your new hatch

Someone here will most likely have many more answers for you as you get used to our friendly site

Thank you for joining us and :welcome
Thank all of the great people on this thread. Great info for a nebe, will lower my humidity and try that. It seems that there is a lot of different things I read, so many people have different humidity settings. Never know what is right. Thank you all
I'm no expert by any means but have been hatching eggs for 55 years. The amount of water you have to add to the incubator will depend on your location and the ambient humidity at your location. If your in a high humidity region you may not have to add any, in a dry region will have to add water to get the correct humidity. This varies widely, this is the reason for so much misinformation on the web.

All things being considered though, quail usually do best with a range of 30 to 45% Rh and a temperature of 99.5 to 100.0°F
Adjust your incubator to those ranges in your location and you will have successful hatches.
Thank you much. A lot to learn. Got 30 eggs to put in Monday. Am going to adj rh to 50. The room I have to incubator has Been staying around 59% to 65. I thank you very much for your time to answer 007sean. I’m so glad I found BYC and the helpful people on it.
Your welcome, with that percent Rh you won't need to add any water....some people call this dry hatching but there is no such thing, with humidity that high it is not dry! ;)
The term 'dry incubation' is a misnomer, it only refers to not having to add water but most peeps misinterpret the saying.
Even with that high of a %Rh you will not have to adjust for another term that I hate and is wrong but peeps call "lockdown" that term arose about 20 years ago and unfortunately has stuck's just another phase in the overall incubation process.

If your incubating Coturnix eggs, you will have better success with a 30% Rh durning incubation and then raising it to 50 -55% for the last 3 or 4 days of incubation.
AC or heating sources will also effect incubation processes. A stable room is best for an incubator.

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