New to the crew.



Aug 27, 2019
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am very new to chickens. I got my first chickens 1 week ago.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 6 chickens

(3) What breeds do you have? I have Sapphire Gems, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds. All Female two of each breed.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? Fresh eggs and ALL NATURAL is what got me into trying my hand at raising chickens and the fact that we love animals. My plan is to spoil them as much as our other pets.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies? Bee Keeping and custom ink pen making from domestic and exotic woods. (NO! I do not use wood from trees that are cut down. The wood I use is from trees that have fell on their own) Such as ancient Kauri wood that is 30 to 50 thousand years old. Yes, it has been carbon dated lol.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share. My name is Chris but I go by Ewok. I have a wife and 2 adult children. We have 3 dogs, 2 chinchillas, about 30,000 honey bees and now 6 baby chickens. My family and I are living in Memphis TN. I use to be an Electroneurodiagnostics Technologist but had a stroke 3 years ago that took away my 10 plus year career. I now stay at home and can not drive so, I have taken up my hobbies to keep me moving and to occupy my time trying to learn all I can. The key word in that last sentence is (Trying.) It is kind of hard to do when 1/4th of your brain is gone. No, that is not an exaggeration.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? I found out about BYC through my mother and father who have chickens as well. My mother last week told me this was the place to learn what all I needed to know. My mothers suggestion is what made me join the community.
Thank you fldriver. No need for sorry on the medical issues. Bad things happen to good people everyday right, it was just my turn. Also, if I should happen to have a bad day and sound like I have really lost my marbles people will know why lol. I am very much looking forward to reading some interesting stories for sure. Speaking of funny stories, one of our dogs is a teacup yorkie. It was supposed to be my wife's dog but for some strange reason she has taken up with me. I think it is because I am home 24/7. Any how after I got the chicks and we got them home the yorkie goes nuts wanting what was in the box. I pull out the chicks and show them to her. She has claimed each one with a nose bump and a butt lick. Now she refuses either of our other two dogs in my office which is where I have the brooder set up. Ever seen a teacup sized dog back a full grown shepherd out of the room. Now the shepherd just stands at the door and will not come in for nothing. I have a strange feeling the chicks have now become hers and not mine....:confused:

My husband’s dog chose me. When I adopted my first six chicks, he took over them too. He was the parent to all of the ducks, turkeys, and chickens. He’d have loved my itty bitty quail! :lol:
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My husband’s dog chose me. When I adopted my first six chicks, he took over them too. He was the parent to all of the ducks, turkeys, and chickens. He’d have loved my itty bitty quail! :lol:
Ha, that is really neat. Our tea cup she guards our chinchillas and loves to play with them. They are always bumping noses together and such. I would have never thought that she would have taken so well to baby chicks. What is really amazing to me is the chicks don't seem to care at all.
Thank you fldriver. No need for sorry on the medical issues. Bad things happen to good people everyday right, it was just my turn. Also, if I should happen to have a bad day and sound like I have really lost my marbles people will know why lol. I am very much looking forward to reading some interesting stories for sure. Speaking of funny stories, one of our dogs is a teacup yorkie. It was supposed to be my wife's dog but for some strange reason she has taken up with me. I think it is because I am home 24/7. Any how after I got the chicks and we got them home the yorkie goes nuts wanting what was in the box. I pull out the chicks and show them to her. She has claimed each one with a nose bump and a butt lick. Now she refuses either of our other two dogs in my office which is where I have the brooder set up. Ever seen a teacup sized dog back a full grown shepherd out of the room. Now the shepherd just stands at the door and will not come in for nothing. I have a strange feeling the chicks have now become hers and not mine....:confused:

Ewok - I look forward to following your journey. Like you, after an health issue, I started first with honeybees in order to prove to myself I'd be able to care for them. I started with chickens in April. I've truly enjoyed learning about the chicken world, and from the experienced BYC members. Be warned though... It can become addicting. I went from wanting enough eggs for the family and some meat for the freezer, to planning for more chickens, a few turkeys and Guinea fowl- if my wife agrees. You'll hear the term "chicken math " often around here. I understand it now but didn't truly get it at first! Best of luck.
Ha, that is really neat. Our tea cup she guards our chinchillas and loves to play with them. They are always bumping noses together and such. I would have never thought that she would have taken so well to baby chicks. What is really amazing to me is the chicks don't seem to care at all.
Nah, she’s just a big hen.

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