New to the site, and have questions on mallard egg incubation?


5 Years
Sep 29, 2014
North Carolina, US
I am going to be incubating 5 mallard eggs soon and I have few questions (this is my first time incubating eggs)

1. What should I used to monitor the humidity?
2. What should the humidity be for mallard eggs?
3. How often should I turn them?
4. The incubator I am using will have them upright. Will this effect their growth at all, incubating upright?
I often point people in the direction of @Lacrystol , who has done quite a bit of hatching. We have many other folks who do hatching here, and there are stickies (link at the top of the forum index) on hatching also.

I suggest you search the forum archives for "duck hatching" or "duck incubator" and see if that turns up more names and ideas for you.
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I often point people in the direction of @Lacrystol
, who has done quite a bit of hatching.  We have many other folks who do hatching here, and there are stickies (link at the top of the forum index) on hatching also.

I suggest you search the forum archives for "duck hatching" or "duck incubator" and see if that turns up more names and ideas for you.

Thanks, I will do that :)
I am going to be incubating 5 mallard eggs soon and I have few questions (this is my first time incubating eggs)

1. What should I used to monitor the humidity?
2. What should the humidity be for mallard eggs?
3. How often should I turn them?
4. The incubator I am using will have them upright. Will this effect their growth at all, incubating upright?

Or you can go to my site www.lwbarnhouse.con click on the duck tab I have two methods that I have used to successfully hatch out ducks.

My first question to you would be does it come with or with out a fan??

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