New Year Resolutions

My husband will be deploying in 6 days, for the whole year... so I am trying really hard to find the good, and I've come up with the fact that I will be able to diet without anyone (besides myself) sabotaging my attempts, or making me self conscious if I temporarily fall off track... He's super fit, and I'm super not...( which he doesn't rag on me about unless I get tired doing regular stuff, or if my back hurts he says "You need to exercise more..." but he loves me and finds me attractive at whatever weight...) I need to lose about 40 lbs to get back down to pre-3-babies weight, gained 10 with each of 3 pregnancies, and another 10 with a failed pregnancy... SO my new years resolution is to be healthy when DH comes back from Afghanistan, to surprise him, and mostly because I need to be healthy for my kids.

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