New York mini chickenstock 2016

I think black is dominant over lavender but can carry lav. I have to look it up to be sure. I bet, whatever the color, they will be large and in charge tho.
Beautiful for sure!!
By May I will have chicks to show. I'm going to have a heck of a time with this. How long is an egg viable after its laid for incubation? Or do I just split the girls in 3 groups containg a bit of each breed and give them 1 husband per group?
Black bird x lavender bird = 100% black chicks that carry "lav" gene. The lav gene needs two copies to show itself. So the offspring above would be called "split". If you cross split x split you'll get 25% black, 50% split, & 25% lavender birds. You will not be able to tell the difference between black birds and splits from this pairing.
Woohoo!!! My poultry farm is now insured!!! My girls can lay as much as they want and I can now sell the eggs to buy them more feed ( and feathered friends) so now hubby can stop being a crab about my hobby.
I might be able to make it! It's going to be a very busy time of year for me. If I do come, I'd be able to bring Blue, Black, Splash, Black split to Lavender, Chocolate, and Chocolate Cuckoo Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex and Easter Egger chicks/eggs.

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