

In the Brooder
May 23, 2024
Hey all! My name is Linda and I'm from southeast Texas. I'm married to my one and only for 39 years, have one precious mutt named Harley living like a person in our house and a flock of 44 birds in my back yard. Well, 42 in the back yard and 2 who sleep in a kennel in my living room simply because they are special. :) My flock consists of Silkies, Bantam Cochins, RIRs, Wyandottes, Marans, Buff Polish, Orpingtons, Cream Legbars, Brahmas, Ameraucanas and a solo Prairie Blue Bell & Barnevelder. We are retired and do a little traveling when the opportunity arises. We have 8 grandkids that keep us very busy and we spend time at our daughter's CrossFit gym getting bossed around a few days a week. Most of my days are filled with chicken duties and I love it. Never would have guessed it a few years back that this would become such an obsession for me.

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