Newbie coop finished, but with nesting box questions...

:clap:clap:clap nice job! very pretty
I would cut the front of the nesting boxes down a bit also. BTW, really nice coop!!!
Your coop is truly unique and beautiful!!
I would love to have one like this. The way you made all those shingles /shakes from old pallets is incredible.

Did you post how you made the coop and dimensions etc..?
I thought I read somewhere a bit of info on your coop.
Was it basically finished w/ plywood sides and then you nailed shake/shingles into the sides?
Thanks so much! For never building anything from scratch before, I think we did just fine!
The coop itself is 6X6. It was made from 2 different types of plywood that we got leftover from building sites. The floor and the nesting box area are made of that smoother thicker plywood and the sides are made from OBS (I think that's what it's called!) We applied tar roofing paper before all the shakes were nailed on. (the shakes took about 3 days). and like you said they are from pallets we got at the building sites.
We probably spent a little over $200 on the coop. We store bought the roof, the chicken wire, hardware cloth, lattice, screws and nails.
Also bought a recipricating(sp) saw for the pallet job, but we use it all the time for other stuff now, so I don't count that!
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