Newbie from Manchester NH area

I have 6 Americana's and 2 RI Reds and all year I have not had less than 6 eggs a day. With the Reds outdoing the others 1egg less a week than the others. I'm not really crazy about the reds as they are very aggressive and my Americana's are very lay ed back. I had them first and their cage smell was not all that bad. But once I got the Reds, wow, do they smell!

I just received 5 new chicks and I hope their are good and my Americana's. 2 are silkies and 2 are buff orpington's, I've heard nothing but praise from everyone about them.
Looking forward to a good life w/ them. So, good like and I hope this helps. I', way north and the weather never phased them. Egg making machines!
Since you can't dig down to bury wire - could you just lay long sections of wire on the ground to prevent preds from digging up underneath? Then bury under gravel and sand, and what not.
OMG that's a beautiful pic. you sent me. Is it one of yours? Mine are pale in comparison. I'm fairly new to this. Started w/ Americana's and they have been so faithful I felt shameful seeking others. What type of chic was that?

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