Newbie here... Does this look like a fertile egg?


5 Years
Oct 4, 2014
Our very first flock of 9 hens is 6 months old, 4 of them are now laying within the last 2 weeks.. I thought the egg yolks of some of the eggs looked suspicious, but maybe not? Does the darker yolk at the bottom look fertile to anyone? The other 2 yolks are store bought eggs, and only have a tiny white dot.. but I swear I can see a bullseye marking on the yolks of several of our eggs, which has me questioning if all 9 of our "hens" are actually hens :) Thanks so much for any input.

Edit to add a picture of a second egg from today:

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If one of your hens was actually a rooster you would know it by now! He would be crowing and breeding the girls. You didn't say what breed they were but at 6 months a rooster would be obvious. No fertile eggs!

By the way....
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If one of your hens was actually a rooster you would know it by now! He would be crowing and breeding the girls. You didn't say what breed they were but at 6 months a rooster would be obvious. No fertile eggs!

By the way....

Thank you so much for the welcome :) We have 2 buff orpingtons, 2 rhode island reds, 2 easter eggers, 2 black australorps, and a silver laced wydanotte... I've been a bit worried since one of our buff orpingtons looks incredibly different from her sister.. much brighter/bigger comb etc., larger legs.. but no feathering that would give it away as a rooster, atleast I don't think so, but I'm SO new to all of this :) I read that it's possible for a rooster to not start crowing until it's a year old?
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Thanks emmyeagle.. I'll look around the forum and find the right place to post a picture of "her" :)
Thanks emmyeagle.. I'll look around the forum and find the right place to post a picture of "her" :)
When you are writing a reply on here, right above this area are the bars with different tools. Look for the little box that has what looks like mountains and a little dot in the upper left corner. When you click on that it will bring up an upload box where you can browse for your picture.

I too would like to see a picture of the Orpington in question. I've had them for years and I can usually spot a rooster at 4 weeks old. All of my roosters, no matter what the breed, have been crowing at 3 to 4 months.

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