Newbie here...


13 Years
May 25, 2011
From Motown to Rural Ohio
Just popping in to wave hello to all. I'm a Detroiter (suburbs, but you've never heard of them, and I love my Motor City despite her troubles) exiled to a charming, Mayberry-like town in West Virginia outside of Pittsburgh. We haven't any chickens yet because our city has silly laws about them, though I'd love to have three or four hens! So I'm here to learn about others' successful and even unsuccessful attempts to get such laws changed...and just learn about chickens.

Other than that, I'm a married fine art photographer, writer and occasional analyst with one chronically depressed collie who has his own tabby cat. (We also have a tortie, our little princess.) When I'm not doing house stuff or work (yes, the photography end is fun for sure, at least until I must force myself to sit down for editing!), you can usually find me sewing, playing in the garden (the grown-up excuse to play in the mud), playing mad scientist in the kitchen, reading, watching or going to horse races or longing to be back out on Route 66 (my favourite place to shoot). All of this presumes Red Wings hockey or Doctor Who is not on the air, though. Or something wonderful on TCM. If you ARE on Route 66 (or the Lincoln) or Woodward Avenue and you see a gal dressed in 40s or 50s garb with an enormous camera, that's probably me.

I've always adored birds of all sorts; my knowledge of them was so great that my aunt, a vet, would call for my opinion when a parrot came into her office with an unusual malady! Chickens were never an option even in thought until my husband and I bought our cute little postwar home, and then I began considering them until I was able to find our city's laws. At present, I drive two hours, round trip, to obtain my (raw) milk and pastured eggs from a local farmer (don't laugh...I'm a Detroit gal and love road trips. Thank goodness.). It's worth it, as my health has undergone a remarkable improvement in just under a year, especially considering a year ago we thought I might not make it to 2011.


*sets brownies on the table*
. Glad you joined us and best luck changing your silly law.

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