Newbie in VT needs coop advice.


5 Years
Apr 1, 2014
Hi My name is Mike and I live in Southern VT. I have ordered some chicks that will come in May. I am looking for advice on Coops. Has anyone bought the pre-made ones? Which are the best? I am not handy at all with carpentry. Any help would be great. I plan on 12 or so Bantams.
Hi VT Mike, and :welcome ... I have not used the commercially available coops, but keep in mind space requirements. Mine are full size birds, so not sure how to figure for bantams. But there will be plenty of folks along to help out I'm sure.

Welcome to BYC!

I am not familiar with the prefab coops either. Actually I did start out with one, and hated it. So did the birds. It was too small to hang out in during bad weather, it was too dark and I had terrible troubles with frost bite. But I understand if you are not handy at building. So I suggest you get the biggest coop you can buy. Something you can walk into and is large enough. Chickens like the security of a coop they can linger in and the small ones just don't do it for them.

Good luck and just do your research before you purchase. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Most of the prefab coop kits are not well made (especially for winter) and really overestimate the number of birds that can live in them comfortably, you can usually make or have made for you a much better one for the cost. You might want to post on your state threads if there is anyone local who makes them, or check out home improvement stores for sheds etc you could convert... lots of threads on BYC on converting sheds .
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has a very helpful learning center

12 Bantam's you say I do believe I would go with what
Two Crows wrote as most of the coops I have seen for
sale are for up to 3 chickens at best .....

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