Newbie Intro


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
Seabeck, Wa
Hello all!

My husband and I are moving to Seabeck, WA next month. I was raised a city girl and he was a country boy, so I have zero experience with chickens and he has childhood experience. We are buying a house with enough land for a good size garden and some chickens and I am really excited about it. I'm a planner so I will probably not be bringing any chicks home until late fall or early spring after I have fully prepped for the adventure. Any advice anyone wants to give me is welcome!

My tentative plan is to build a coop large enough for 10 chickens with a large run attached. I'm thinking that I will build it within the fence line of my garden (about a quarter acre estimate). That way they can free range through my garden when there isn't anything I'm worried about them destroying but will also have enough room in their run when I don't want them eating my produce. I'm thinking of starting with 3 or 4 hens an adding 2 every other year to keep the the egg laying up as the hens age. We are also considering raising meat chickens but that is further out.

Nice to meet you all!


Welcome to BYC!

Sounds like you have a great plan for your chickens! And it never hurts to spend this time getting ready and learning all you can. I did that with my chickens the first couple years and built the coop attached to an old garden. They enjoyed it that first year what with all the plants, weeds and bugs that inhabited this garden. But by the end of the first year, they had completely denuded it to complete dirt. Not a weed root or a blade of grass survived. LOL

You might want to start by doing some reading in our learning center here on BYC for lots of good reads on getting started, building the coop, raising the babies and keeping your adult flock happy, healthy and safe from predators. I will also include the link to our coops pages for lots of good ideas for your coop build....

Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
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Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you will have a nice chicken set up and a good plan, adding a couple of new girls each year really helps keep the egg production steady. TwoCrows gave you some nice links to get you started checking things out on BYC! Good luck with your chicken projects!

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