Newbie - Need Feedback on my Coop/Run Setup Plan


Oct 13, 2022
Northeast GA
Hey Folks - thanks in advance for any suggestions!
FYI - - - We are NEW to chickens . . . on ~6.5 acres in NE Georgia . . . my girls are at 5 and 6 weeks and doing great . . . they are inside and I am no longer using heat - they are happy (BUT it stays 70ish at night) with temps in the 60s today (I open and screen off the door to where they are during the day).
LIKELY PREDATORS in the area: coyotes, stray domestics (ugh), coons, opossom, hawk, owl, and we have ever seen a fox (been here 8 years).

I purchased a OverEZ Large coop . . . futuristically I would love to build a coop but the timing is just not right at the very moment and I got tired of years and years of excuses of not getting chickens I wanted!!! So this should be a great starter and maybe it will show me how I want to build something even better!

SO with the hubs in his busy time I want an easy run set up . . .
I am thinking I will order TWO of the Producer's Pride universal poultry pens (each is 8x8).
As well as TWO of the covers for the pens.

(My thought is that we can build a pen later once we see how everything goes and that these pens will be useful for something else at the time we build a run.)

Here's where I need help.

If I have the Large OverEZ coop with the TWO Producer's Pride 8x8 pens . . . what predator protection would be best?
- Do I need to bury a mesh boarder and attach it to the bottom of the pens?
- What is best option to secure if I am not set on this being my forever arrangement?
- How about electric perimeter? - I have seen many speak of that on these forums.
- Auto door?
- I do plan on running electric to the coop so they can have supplemental light and I can provide the vertical plate heat source if weather deems necessary.
- Anything else I might need to consider?

Then there is also a desire for INTERMITTENT FREE RANGING . . .
- Is this something the gals would be okay with b/c it cannot be EVERY day - I just wouldn't be comfortable. I need them "up" when we go out of town and I have someone checking on them. However, I would like them to get some freedom when we are around - - - as safely as possible!
- What is the best strategy?

Thanks in advance!
I realize something like this:

Would be MUCH less $ than TWO of the Producer's Pride 8x8 pens and give me more room in the run . . .
BUT I fear it would require much more "reinforcement" and also does not feature a knock out panel to directly attach the coop.

It also seams the Producer's Pride product would be much more useful in different scenarios long term and that this type of product may become trash sooner than later.

I will gladly take advice/feedback if you have experience with either or both product!
Hi there!
Here are the few things I can advise on:
what predator protection would be best?
1/2" hardware cloth around the entire bottom perimeter of the run(with an apron extending out from the bottom of the run or dug down into the ground about 1-2 ft) is always best.

I purchased a OverEZ Large coop
I have the same coop. You'll want to add ventilation (a lot of it). How many birds do you have? The OverEZ will house about 1/2 as many birds as the manufacturer claims (based on standard 4sq. ft per bird recommendations) unless you have bantams. This question (how many birds?) also applies to run size. Recommendation is 10 sq. ft per bird in the run.
I realize something like this:

Would be MUCH less $ than TWO of the Producer's Pride 8x8 pens and give me more room in the run . . .
BUT I fear it would require much more "reinforcement" and also does not feature a knock out panel to directly attach the coop.
I also have something like that run you linked (it's 10' x 26' with a spired roof). It needs the same predator reinforcements as any other prefab, metal run (hardware cloth, and tarps on top - although I will be adding a "real roof" to mine in the spring), and my OverEZ is inside the run, so no need for a "knock out panel". We have secured the metal run to treated 4x4s, but since you're not wanting a permanent structure, you could probably fasten it to the ground another way.

20220921_181106 1.jpg

Best of luck to you! 😊
@ChickyChook22 . . . THANK YOU!!! Very helpful!

LONG story short, I currently have 13 hens (WHOOPS) . . . it was a result of me having trouble with a few chicks on my original order (day old by mail - I now don't think it was me but possibly a rough trip) and subsequently having anxiety/trust issues with my own newbie skillset - so when the hatchery offered replacements and I was doing the calendar glance then I ordred extra in case I had more problems (knowing it would be a year before I'd want to add more) . . . thus some being 5 weeks and others 6 weeks . . . chicken math right from the start - ugh - it's no joke.

Either way . . . I realize the rating and reality for the number it will hold are not the same . . . AND luckily I have options - - -
A - - - rehome some to friends who have some extra space and would love some quality additions
B - - - let the chicken math really go wild and grab an additonal coop and seperate the flock (my husband's eyes are constantly rolling)

I actually LOVE your setup and your future plan and its fun to see it with the coop I have - - - and I have also heard about the ventilation (post purchasing) - I saw an article where a couple had modified there's with success and will see if I can find and share in case you are interested.

SOOOOOOO, here's you a few more questions:
- do you have the link to your run/pen and, if so, would you mind sharing?
- do you ever allow yours to free roam?
- any thoughts or experience with having 2 coops inside a run/pen like you have? would the girls split themselves up or would they just end up fighting over 1 coop?
- since they are not full grown, do I have a little time to decide how to handle my "too many for my current coop" situation since they are smaller than a bantam now?
- how many do you have in the large overEZ?

NOTE: I'm not opposed to the "permanent structure" . . . I just did not want the producer's pride 8x8 pens to become permanent!
let the chicken math really go wild and grab an additonal coop and seperate the flock (my husband's eyes are constantly rolling)
Same, lol. 🤣😭

how many do you have in the large overEZ?
I have 8 and they're also only 5 weeks, so they fit fine, and they'll be fine when they're full grown because the only time they'll be in the coop is to sleep and lay eggs, and I have a 260 sq. ft run, plus 10 acres for free ranging (I plan to do supervised free ranging when weather/time permits).

So... if your birds get along well, AND you add plenty of ventilation, AND you have a big enough run (at least 130 sq. ft - more is better), AND you're free ranging sometimes, AND the only time they HAVE to be in the coop is to sleep and lay eggs, the Over EZ could work just fine for you. Your birds won't have the recommended roost space (1 Linear foot per bird), but it would be close, so might not be an issue if they get along well!

do you have the link to your run/pen and, if so, would you mind sharing?

here is the article I had seen with some ventilation recommendations . . . the "new door" is one we will definatly be trying
I've seen this article (like you, I didnt realize the "issues" with the Over EZ until after i bought it so I did a lot of researching, lol)! I love how they modified the door. I think it could work well for you in GA, but it would likely be a bit too drafty for me in Michigan winters. I added ventilation above both windows, on both sides, and under the roof, along the back of the coop (everything as high above the roosts as possible).

I don't have experience with separating flocks or having two coops (but I'm probably not far off from that phase 😅).

If you search the forums here for "OverEZ Coop", there's a few people who have done a great job with modifications as well!
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This is where I got the inspiration for modifying the run:

We didn't do it exactly like them, but it is a good jumping off point! I do plan to add the roof like they did as well.
Welcome to BYC.

:frow from the Sandhills of North Carolina.

As a fellow resident of the Steamy Southeast, you're going to need to add a LOT of ventilation to that OverEZ coop -- but they are reputed to be much better-built than most prefabs so at least you can make modifications and expect it to hold up. :)

Here's my article on hot climate chicken-keeping and my article on ventilation:

- How about electric perimeter? - I have seen many speak of that on these forums.

- I do plan on running electric to the coop so they can have supplemental light and I can provide the vertical plate heat source if weather deems necessary.

My run is electric poultry netting from Premier 1 and I love it. Very easy to use.

I *personally* don't use supplemental light. I'm breeding anyway so I don't mind raising new pullets every year who will start laying when the mature ones take a break to molt. If you choose to use supplemental light to keep them laying it's recommended to add it to the morning rather than the evening so that they don't get caught off the roost when the light suddenly goes out.

You should never need any kind of supplemental heat beyond *possibly* using a deicer in your waterer in the winter.

Well-acclimated chickens that are dry and out of the wind can readily tolerate temperatures down to 0F and even below. You may find this thread reassuring:

I don't free range my birds at all because I have too many predators in my area. I accept the risk of hawks for the benefits of the huge run and the mobile netting, but I don't want to take the risk from foxes, coyotes, loose dogs, etc. Our neighbors have lost a lot of birds that way. :(
This is great - $90 cheaper than the one I’d found and 1” taller which is great bc I’m 6’ tall. 🤣🤣🤣

Love and appreciate all your comments.
I like this idea better to be honest … and we have the space - I’ll just need to figure out where it’s flat. 🫢

Did you do anything to modify the door of the run itself? I’ve seen where the gap around the door frame is thought to be a concern …
Did you do anything to modify the door of the run itself? I’ve seen where the gap around the door frame is thought to be a concern …
Yes! There is quite a large gap around the door. For now, we have a separate piece of hardware cloth fixed to the outside of the door so it extends past the gaps by a few inches (it just makes it so we can only open the run door outward, which isn't a big deal). In the future, we may try to figure out a way to frame the door with wood on the inside, but the hw cloth seems to be a fine solution right now.

This is great - $90 cheaper than the one I’d found and 1” taller which is great bc I’m 6’ tall. 🤣🤣🤣
LOL!! The height of this one was one of the deciding factors for purchasing! And, if you put it on 4x4s, it adds another 4 in (we stacked 2 high, and added another 2x6 in piece flat in our case so it added about 10in of height, but we also added 8 in of sand as the run substrate, so the coop *just* fits)😁

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