

10 Years
Apr 13, 2009
East Syracuse
Hi everyone!

Well, I had been thinking of getting chickens for awhile now, but I had been putting it off because I was worried that i didn't know enough to be confident to get started. Well you all changed that as well as my original plans to just get started with 6 rir pullets. You all really are enablers!!! lol I was originally going to get 6 rir pullets from countrymax on 4/22, but I work for the E. Syracuse Post Office and last monday, TSC's first batch of chicks were there when I got to work. Well they put the chicks next to my work area and all I heard all morning were chirps!!

Of course I had to peek and tell them I would be getting some of them later. I ended up getting 6 golden comet pullets, so now the tally is up to 12. After I got home from TSC and setting up the chicks, I went online in search of an ameracauna (I hope I spelled that right), breeder and found one in moravia, ordered 6 more chicks, straight run! How's that for one day and a newbie to boot! So now we're up to 18 and DH still hasn't stroked out on me yet!! God bless him! lol

Next up is the coop, we're planning on a 10 x 8 coop with a 10 x 30 run, I plan to let them out when we're in the backyard only, too many predators. I still can't believe I have chicks and more coming....I'm so excited! I'm also glad I found this forum, you guys rock!! Along with the chicks, we also have 4 horses, 3 dogs and 1 rabbit, and 2 tanks of fish!
I think the zoo aspect is present in nearly all BYC member homes!

Congrats on starting your flock, and welcome to our giant family!


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