Newborn chick prolapsing-what do I do???


9 Years
Feb 5, 2010
Missouri Ozarks
The chick hatched around 10am. I finally noticed that the "stuff" on his bum looks real pink and meaty (unlike the normal yellow goo that soon detatches). It is sticking out about half an inch, and is about as big around as a pea. It is also still very moist, not dry or cracking. So my questions are: how to fix it, and if I do, will it stay in? Also, is there any chance it's NOT a prolapse? Thanks in advance for your help!!!
UPDATE: I took a closer look (I originally didn't want to open the bator and lose humidity). He is NOT prolapsing. He has inerds oozing out of his navel opening. I think he was deformed. I did put sugar on it, per another topic about uterine prolapse. I'll see what he does overnight. If no improvement, I guess I'll put him down in the morning...

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