newborn chick question


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
my newborn chick was born this morning around 11:00 am... It is now 8:15 pm eastern time - the chick is rolling around the incubator and having a difficult time standing.. After this period of time should it be standing and stretching its feet out? The shell seemed to have a lot of blood in it this morning...

This is our first hatch - our other hatch last night seems to be doing fine... I did notice today it continued to peck at the other chick as it rolled around in the incubator...

Any replies will be appreciated..


Nope, sounds normal to me (although I must confess, I've only one hatch under me belt)

Mine took quite a while to get their landlegs, so wait a day or two before you start to worry
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If it's still unable to stand or one leg goes out from under may have "spraddle leg" (Think thats how you spell it) one of mine had it and you have to tie its ankles together with a bandaid or tape to fix it.......hope its up and running around now....

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