Newborn chick was still attached to shell with umbilical


Dec 3, 2020
Hi there, I’m a first time poster, my chicks hatched this morning 24 hrs after pipping. One is perfect, the other was attached to the wheel by umbilical and as s/he stumbled around the egg stayed put and she started bleeding. She finally became unattached, now the incubator has some blood in it which is pretty dried out, so I can tell there is no more blood. It’s a bit gory looking though! So, the chick is a bit weaker than the feisty healthy one, but still moving around. My worry is that her backside looks a bit swollen- I’ve looked it up a bit online and she has certainly not got a huge distended organ hanging out like I’ve seen.. it just looks a bit sore and swollen. There is dried blood on it matting the feathers. This means you can see more skin- it’s less fluffy than her sibling. What should I do? I’ve left them in the incubator as I know you can for 24hrs and I think the temp in my house would be a bit of a shock until the brooder etc has heated up properly. Is it ok to leave them in there with the dried blood?!
Hi there, I’m a first time poster, my chicks hatched this morning 24 hrs after pipping. One is perfect, the other was attached to the wheel by umbilical and as s/he stumbled around the egg stayed put and she started bleeding. She finally became unattached, now the incubator has some blood in it which is pretty dried out, so I can tell there is no more blood. It’s a bit gory looking though! So, the chick is a bit weaker than the feisty healthy one, but still moving around. My worry is that her backside looks a bit swollen- I’ve looked it up a bit online and she has certainly not got a huge distended organ hanging out like I’ve seen.. it just looks a bit sore and swollen. There is dried blood on it matting the feathers. This means you can see more skin- it’s less fluffy than her sibling. What should I do? I’ve left them in the incubator as I know you can for 24hrs and I think the temp in my house would be a bit of a shock until the brooder etc has heated up properly. Is it ok to leave them in there with the dried blood?!
This is the best I can do without removing her from incubator which I don’t really want to do until I have to...


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I WANT to think it’s not that swollen it’s just the the feather dried on with blood make it more obvious.. am waiting for husband to come home as he has more experience and will be more confident about removing her- I’m just worried she will get a chill!
I WANT to think it’s not that swollen it’s just the the feather dried on with blood make it more obvious.. am waiting for husband to come home as he has more experience and will be more confident about removing her- I’m just worried she will get a chill!
It won't hurt to remove her/him for a minute or two for a picture.

I can't really see that well, with the picture you posted.
These photos are terrible I’m sorry but I’m sure lots of you know how hard it is to get a picture through incubator walls! You can see the amount of blood here too.


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These photos are terrible I’m sorry but I’m sure lots of you know how hard it is to get a picture through incubator walls! You can see the amount of blood here too.
I've had bleeders. Usually I take the chick out, add pressure to the belly button, stop the bleeding, then add some plain Triple Antibiotic ointment to it.
Seeing the belly button will help me see exactly if that is what happened.
I took her out, these are better


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