Newborn Chick with lump on its head

Could you give more details than that? Why did you end up deciding to put her to sleep? What has happening that made you choose that? I'm sorry, I just want to understand more about the problem.

Asking because I had a chick not hatch and when I opened the egg to see what happened and how it developed, there was something like what you had here and it looked like the brains were kind of draining out from it (sorry to be so graphic)... Just wondering if this is common, did you try the neosporin... did you see if there was skull matter fully formed under the lump? Sorry I just want to know more to learn more. Did it just start to not do so well on its own? Was it able to eat? Walk? Please give us more information on what occurred. ... sorry to be so nosey, as I said i am just a very curious person who wants to learn for the sake of chicken health.
I had read something that said excess heat when incubating can cause the skull not to close over the chick ( sorry I know this is really late )
Cierabug, Thank you.. I didn't know that. (and never too late to share! :))

Mine were serama chicks which I had under a broody hen during the mid summer heat. That's really interesting to know.

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