Newborn Help!!!!


Jul 7, 2017
North Carolina
I have been around chickens since I could remember and incubating for over 20 years. I have a newborn that hatched yesterday and I wanted to wait today to put him/her in the brooder because it had some shell bits stuck on the vent area. Well, today I started cleaning it off and notice hard belly and creamy and I mean creamy white coming from the vent. I have never seen such white creamy coming from any chick I have ever hatched. Please if anyone can tell me what the creamy white is and why the belly seems so hard, I would like to know so if I need my husband to cull him/her. I don't want any of my babies to suffer. I never help chicks out of their shell, because of years experience knowing if it does not come out then there is something wrong. I would rather them pass in the egg then bond and have to cull them. Thank you
It may be cloacitis, an infection of the intestinal track. It can be passed from hen to chick through the egg. I'm not sure how you could treat a new chick. I would probably just take a wait and see approach.

It should be obvious within 24 hours if this chick has the strength to survive this. If it never attempts to get on its feet, I would cull after this one day observation period.
It may be cloacitis, an infection of the intestinal track. It can be passed from hen to chick through the egg. I'm not sure how you could treat a new chick. I would probably just take a wait and see approach.

It should be obvious within 24 hours if this chick has the strength to survive this. If it never attempts to get on its feet, I would cull after this one day observation period.
Thank you much and I will keep him/her in the Inc for another day @ 95 n give electrolytes n food

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