Newest Chicken Mom


Nov 9, 2015
Hello Everyone! I haven't posted an introduction here yet but I've been learning from you for about a month. My name is Lila and I am now the proud owner of 5 - 23wk old pullets. They are 2 Ameraucana/mixes, 1 pure, an australorp and a blue marans and they are beautiful! We have build an A-frame pen for them which is working as a heavy tractor. Still need to polish that part up. It's about 30'sq.ft. We also just finished a run attachment which will add another 30' to it or so. Then I won't have to move them about so much.
Speaking of which, how often should one move a chicken tractor? With no poop board, it gets pretty dirty in there. :( But moving it daily seems hard on the coop. And adding bedding to it seems counter to the letting them "free range" on the grass etc, within. Suggestions? I could shove in a poop board every night...or something. Any other options?

Hi and welcome to BYC!
I am not a professional in that area but make sure to check the learning center, they're bound to have something on what you are looking for.
Have a great time at BYC and good luck finding the information on what you are looking for.
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Hi Lila and welcome to BYC. No reason why you should not use a poop board to reduce the frequency of you having to move the tractor. Apart from sweeping poo out of the tractor daily I can't really think of any other options.


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