Newnan, GA Show

Ok Peeps.. Im off to bed... got to get up early in the morning and wash 5 whites... im waiting as long as I possible can to wash them.

I will check PMs in the morning, and also want to let everyone know that I can receive PMs and email on my phone if you happen to catch this after I am on the road and want to find me tomorrow night. Looking forward to meeting everyone and hanging out for the weekend! Everyone please have a safe trip...
Ms.FuzzyButts :

Hahaha, didn't you notice that I didn't announce my plans?! I like to sneak in under the radar... I'll be the one that moves like a ninja! No need for helmets and padding! Tehe

Ooohhh!!! This is going to be so much fun!!!!!!! Silkie Friday.......Way more entertaining than Black Friday..​

MUCH better than black friday! I personally am not a fan of hundreds of people flocking(haha, did you notice my pun?) into one store for one toy. An outdoor silkie chase with a bunch of people as crazy as I am sounds much more exciting!
Ooohhh!!! This is going to be so much fun!!!!!!! Silkie Friday.......Way more entertaining than Black Friday..

MUCH better than black friday! I personally am not a fan of hundreds of people flocking(haha, did you notice my pun?) into one store for one toy. An outdoor silkie chase with a bunch of people as crazy as I am sounds much more exciting!

OK... I have a helment, shotgun, knee pads, attack dogs.. I am coming to the show loaded and packed for silkie pullets!!!!!
Cages are 'packed' and so are our clothes. Got to check on a few things at the coop and then we'll hit the road.

If you see a chick wearing an odd, rainbow/hippie/patchwork shirt, don't be afraid. It's just me

I have a small collection of them, and will be wearing a different one each day we're there....
If it's chilly, I'll have a black down vest over the top of it.

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