Next Year's Chicken Breeds! UPDATED

I would like to get the big golden chickens from Braggs Mountain next year. I know some here don't like a non standard breed, but I'm looking for great layers and everything I've read suggests that they are. As of tomorrow, we will be up to 60 chickens and 55 hens and 5 roosters.

Duh...Don't know how I missed the Australorps.
I'm waiting to show this list to my dad until he's in a good mood. My mom likes it, though!

Thanks for the help, guys.

Anyone have anything to say about black langshans and silver lakenvelders?

Any other breed that I just HAVE to have? We may as well make it a round 15.
Thanks a lot for that link, WindyOaks. I've started looking into that.

I'm so excited!

Now, I read that Barnevelders can be agressive. Anyone have any experience with them?
I LOVE my buffs. Actually all of my mix does well, pretty calm, not prone to being noisy and are starting to lay. My BB's are not at all like the chart describes, the girls are the sweetest I have and my Roo is just fun. He does try to intimidate the Buff roo but is not aggressive at all. Of all of them, the seabrights are my absolute favorites. They are a little aloof to me but just love each other. Funny story- when I let them all out one day last week, one little seabright would not leave me, kept circling and making all types of strange noises. Would get frantic everytime she thought I was leaving her. Unusual as I said they are usually a little aloof with me. I stood still and talked to her, she prompty found a little spot near me and started nesting. She laid her first egg and didn't want to be alone!!! It was a wonderful moment. She is now laying fine by herself, thank you!!! I would recommend any of my assortment.
I've had a pair of Lakevelders before. They are pretty flighty and the girls are on the small side. My rooster was a really great and protective rooster. Loved to take care of the girls. I regret selling them, but I really needed the room and wanted to focus on different breeds.

I'd add an EE or 2
Always unique in their colors and you may end up with blue/green eggs
of course none of my EE hens lay the blue green eggs.

I have faith in my 2 younger girls though...
Sorry, nccatnip, but what's a BB?

Angie n Maine, I really don't want a flighty bird. Maybe I'll get a Buckeye in place of the Lakenvelder....Oh, an EE? Heh. I already have about 20.

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