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11 Years
May 23, 2008
Cumberland, VA
This year we have done a complete redo of our small farm. We no longer will have barred rocks or any basic chicken. Instead we have moved forward with rare and more quality birds. Here is the list and if interested let us know so we can put you on the list. We do not accept deposits until they start laying but will put you in front as you reply. If next spring you cannot or do not want them we will go to the next person. Here is the list!

Blue Laced Red Wyandottes $50.00 a dozen includes shipping!
Red Pyle Cubalaya $40.00 a dozen includes shipping!
Silver Laced Wyanottes $25.00 a dozen includes shipping!
BUFF, Black, And Grey Japs $35.00 a dozen includes shipping!
White Marans $65.00 a dozen includes shipping!
Black Copper Marans $100.00 a dozen includes shipping!
Giant Partridge Cochins $40.00 a dozen includes shipping!
African Geese $40.00 for 1/2 dozen including shipping!
Black Muscovy eggs $40.00 a dozen includes shipping!
Ringneck Pheasants $25.00 a dozen includes shipping!
Americana $35.00 a dozen includes shipping!

We will probably have some other breeds but these we know of right now, and as we buy more breeders we will let you know what we have and the prices!

I thought it was on my profile thing but I guess not. I am in cumberland, va! We will also have birds for sale but not from any of the above this year. I do want to stress the black copper eggs will change up or down depending on how dark they are. The birds are not laying right at this second due to only being 3 months old. Just wanted to let everyone know! Just basing it off what I have seen elsewhere for only 6 eggs, but this will be for 1 dozen.

Just an idea, but if you are asking top quality prices for eggs you should list whose lines you have for each breed.
Also there is so such breed as an Americana. There are Araucana, Ameraucana, and Easter Eggers (most hatcheries mis-label these as Americana, Ameracauna, etc.)

Good luck!
Thanks for your reply...I dont think these are top prices as take a look at ebay and see what 6 eggs are going for and many are nothing special. I will say this im not looking for arguements or anything ugly. If you dont like the prices go on! If you want pictures that is no issue just ask. Anyways thanks.

I was interested but like to know whose lines I am getting. I keep track of all my birds for optimum results and best breeding

Yes, I would be interested to know whose lines you have for the black coppers and white marans as well as any pictures you can post.
This is information everyone here is going to want before committing to buy, so it would benefit you to supply this type of information.
Good luck with your breeding program.
I've bought lots of eggs from many different sources and seeing pictures of the parent birds has always been important to me as well as knowing what lines I was buying from. I agree that if you're going to ask those prices you're going to have to be willing to share what lines your birds are from as well as share the parent flock's pictures.
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