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Hi im in the process now of contacting the people I got them from to see where they come from. I think I remember but dont want to put out something that is not true. I am 100% sure its not davis as the lady told me the only line she has from her are not for sale right now as she just bought them. The white ones may be but again let me find out for sure. I have a feeling I should have waited to list this until closer to spring. Just really happy to have these now as it took months of searching to get them. The only breeders I have that are just hatchery stock are the silver lace wyandottes and the only reason im keeping them is they are gorgeous and great layers. More a pet than breeders if that makes sense. The muscoveys and geese also are nothing special as well. I do need to find out about the BLRW and marans for everyone. Please no one think im being funny here just wanting to get my facts straight.

ok just got off the phone with the fellow the americana came from and they are in fact EE but the price includes shipping and im actually doing $25.00 for them, will update the others as I find out!

Then what you have are probably Easter Eggers not Ameraucamas.
Thanks for the update on the Ameraucanas/EEs, Brandon! Looking forward to hearing more about your copper blacks...GOOD LUCK! I know what you mean about being excited to have some breeds that folks are interested in. It's SOO hard to wait for those eggs, but we must be patient!
I just wanted to add I have purchased many chickens from Brandon and have been to his place several times. All his birds are very well cared for and he has some really nice stock. The bantam breeds I got from him before he sold his breeding stock are outstanding. I can't wait to show them!
chickngurl just sent the pics of the cubalaya's. Tell you what everyone the price on the black copper and white marans just ignore until I can get some things figured out. If they come back not from where I think they are ill do alot less just need to figure it out. Also I am trying to get new pics of some of the birds uploaded so be patient with me. Im not the best with computers haha. Thanks Sharon appreciate all your help!

Brandon.....BYC is not ebay or eggbid, we are BYC. I am glad you are excited about you venture into more fancy breeds. But , that does not make a barred rock or a RIR or a buff orp a basic chicken! I to think the prices need to be backed up a little. If you have really good bloodlines in "all" the birds you list, then that is great but, if not the prices need to reflect this. If you want people to BYC (Buy Your Chicken) eggs, then try to make them affordable and please don't refer to others birds as "basic", I for one was kind of offended. I'm going out back now to tell my birds that they are all basic and nothing special...!
kingscall seriously dont start with the your to high on prices crap. Second if your really offended by me saying your basic breeds life must really be tough for you. I did not mean anything bad when I say your basic chickens as that is what they are. Cheap basic chickens. Do I have them...YES but there nothing value wise with them. Now if you go back and read the part I said on the marans to basically ignore the prices until i can find alittle more information you would see the prices will be adjusted on what I have. Finally I post on byc as to offer something you dont see much on here and give other the chance without ebay or eggbid due to really high prices for 6 eggs instead of 12. With that said hope you and your birds arent to "upset" but if you are I have a box of tissues I can send ASAP.
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