NH Red Bleeding


8 Years
Sep 10, 2011
I'm new here. I have a NH Red chicken who's a few months old now. They just started laying small eggs about a few weeks ago. I have 12 mix. 8 are NH Reds and 4 are RI Reds. they have a coop plus a fenced in area so they can go out and enjoy the fresh air. We live in the woods, so this is the safest we can do for them. One of my NH red's tail feathers has been pecked off by the others and now her butt is bleeding. The bleeding just started today. I have her in my medium size dog crate right now so she can still enjoy the fresh air but heal too. Is there anything I can do to make the healing go faster for her. She's a really pretty chicken and I would love to not have to put her down.
and try blukote. The other chickens are attracted to the red of the irritated skin, and now the blood. Blukote (blue coat) is available from your feed and farm supply store. It will turn the skin purple and has an antiseptic in it. The chickens will pay less attention to the color, and stop pecking, hopefully. You may still have to keep her separated for a few days, especially during the daytime.

Update on my NH red, lst night we put her, dog crate and all in the fenced in area right near the other girls. She's still in the dog crate, but seems happy to be near her sisters. And her butt seems to be doing better. Plus so far I have gotten 2 eggs from her. Bare in mind they are small eggs right now. Now I just wait til she has feathers again then I will put her back with her sisters. Thanks for your help.

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