Niacin Deficiencies in Goslings & Ducklings (growth & leg problems)

I thought ducks were already schizo!
Ok, on a different thread I posted that I have an 8 1/2 week old ducklings that has a weak" leg. He/she can walk without any problem, but for short distances, then sits down alot. If he/she is standing I've seen the leg trembling. No sign of any injury. After reading this thread I'm thinking maybe it does have a Niacin deficency though none of the other ducklings have this problem and none of our other ducks we raised ever had this problem. My question is if I give this duckling Niacin or brewers yeast do I have to seperate it from the adult ducks? Meaning will this harm them in any way? I hope I can get some answers, I don't want this duckling to be lame, and I don't want to hurt the adults either. Thanks for any help.
I don't think it will, but you might just want to have a separate dish with the extra niacin in it. The ducks that want or need it will eat it. The others will just eat from the regular bowl. Kind of like offering a separate dish of oyster shells.
Well my DS gave his duck Brewer's yeast and within a week Coco seemed to have stronger legs? She/he did still do a bit of sitting though. Then we went to county fair where Coco won Best of Show! Didn't give any more Brewers yeast during or after fair. Coco seems fine now. Don't know if it was the brewers yeast or just time that helped
Has anyone tried using baker's yeast for the same purpose? It contains niacin, and other nutrients, and it's something I happen to have on hand. I've never had to supplement before, but one of these ducklings is showing shaky legs. I just poured some baker's yeast in their water, and will see what happens. If it doesn't clear up in a couple days with that, I'll go get brewer's yeast. Just curious if anyone has ever tried the baking sort.
Now I know what the problem is with my hook bill ducklings. Some of them have leg issues, wish I would have known sooner! They will be fine over all and I expect better results when I breed them next year. I was lucky and ended up with three drakes and 6 ducks. They are very beautiful and definitely not schizo!

I raised these guys on free flowing fresh water but now that I think back when they ate up the natural greens that's when the issue began to show.
I feed purina products and if you got to their web sight they list all the foods they produce. I put my pair of africans on Mazuri waterfowl starter. Its a tiny pellet no dust and it will even float, and they love it my geese and ducks doing great on it. No issues. I had raised ducks on chick starter no problem but, did not want to take a chance w the geese. Now I am sold. Mazuri also puts out an adult waterfowl food.
Thank you SO so much for this! I've been googling all over the 'net trying to figure out what to feed my ducklings (who will be arriving in 7 days!
) Only have 2 duckies and feed stores here only supply chick feed, not sure what all is in it, but I'm really stressing if they have niacin and are med free. I do hope to allow them a bit of free range when they are of age, but this is my very first time raising ducks so concerned about it all, especially while brooding.
...and yes, I do hear that ducks tend to be on the crazy side. lol
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