Niacin deficiency not getting better

I don't have vet wrap, but I have something very similar that sticks to itself. I finally got a shoe on her, but it came off as soon as I put her down. I'll get some vet wrap tomorrow and try it. Should I wrap it part way up her leg too?
I would it may give her more support and hold the shoe better. I seen some good reports with using the shoe. i wonder if she got stepped on and injured her leg and foot.
I wondered about that too. I didn't notice her having any problems walking until I moved them all into a very large dog cage, so I'm honestly not sure when she started having problems. I guess it's even possible that she had problems when I got her since TSC had so many ducklings in one brooder that they could barely walk.
I wondered about that too. I didn't notice her having any problems walking until I moved them all into a very large dog cage, so I'm honestly not sure when she started having problems. I guess it's even possible that she had problems when I got her since TSC had so many ducklings in one brooder that they could barely walk.
Possible it happened before you got her, I was just thinking lots of warm water therapy too this will help her build up her muscle in her legs and help her stand and walk better. when you have her in the warm water do some massage too.
One reason I do not go to TSC during chick days I cannot bare to see lil ones not being cared for properly.
All of the ducklings get baths twice a day while I'm cleaning out their brooder. I've been giving her an extra bath during the day that is deep enough where she can swim around and get some weight off of her leg.
All of the ducklings get baths twice a day while I'm cleaning out their brooder. I've been giving her an extra bath during the day that is deep enough where she can swim around and get some weight off of her leg.
Good for you hopefully all your doing will pay off. I got some horse wrap at TSC when they had it on sale I had to cut it down the middle because it wide and I used it when my hen[chicken] had bumble foot boy is that some good wrap it stayed on for a whole week with out coming off and I'm sure she tried her best to get it off.
I'll have to try that. I have 3 horses, but I don't have any wrap. What I attempted to use was meant for people, and it fell off as soon as I put her on the floor.

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