Niacin Question for the Folks at Purina

@Purina @DrMikelleRoeder How much niacin is in Start and Grow, Flock Raiser and the 30% Gamebird starter? Thanks, Kathy
So sorry for the delayed response, casportny! This spring has been a busy one!
We fortify each of these products with considerably more than enough to meet the niacin requirements of each of the relevant species. Layer chicks need a minimum of 27 ppm for the first six weeks of life, less after that. Ducklings need 55 ppm, and gamebirds need 30 to 70 ppm, depending on the specie. Purina products are optimally fortified to meet the needs of these various types of birds. Hope this helps - Let me know if you have other questions!
Thanks. Which of the Purina products have the 70 ppm? -Kathy
@DrPatrickBiggsLooking to buy a product with 70 ppm. Does Purina make one? Thanks, Kathy
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