Night light?


Apr 3, 2022
Northeast Florida
My chicks are now 2 and a half weeks old. I have a brooder warmer plate in there with them. Do I need a light on all night? I have on I leave on 24/7, but just not as bright at night. How long do I wait before I switch to no light at night? They are currently in my living room, which has a small night light plugged in the wall across the room from them and I am thinking that may be enough light for them at night. The room doesn’t have much natural light, so I do have a light on for the brooder during the day and just dim it at night. So, when should I stop using the brooder ligh at night? Thanks!
You can usually take away the heat lamp when they are fully feathered. Do you have any pictures of them. You can also turn it off for a few hours in the day if it’s very hot.
The brooder warmer is usually where they sleep at night, not much during the day, probably more for security than warmth. I keep it a constant 76 in the house. My question is more about the light. Do they need a light of any kind on at night? Thanks
Do I need a light on all night?

Well, I use heat lamps in my brooder, so they have some light 24/7. Chickens cannot see in the dark, so if/when you decided you to stop using a light at night, then I think it should be in a natural, gradual, darkening situation so the chicks can find their way somewhere pleasant to sleep for the night. If you go from complete light to complete darkness, it might catch the chicks in a place not ready to sleep for the night. I mean, you would not do that to your laying hens either, which is why if you use a light to extend daylight hours, you have it set to come on very early in the morning before the sun rises and then in the evening, they have the natural sun setting to find their way to their roosts for the night before it gets dark.

I think even a small 3 watt night light would be enough light for the chicks in the brooder 24/7 and it would not cost much - less than a penny a day at my current electrical rates. Even less if you have a nightlight with a sensor to turn on the light only when dark. When you get the chicks outside in the coop, then they should do fine with the sun rising and setting.
They don't need light at night at all - obviously when a hen is raising chicks when it's night time, it's dark. That said, since they're used to having some light, don't be surprised if they sound upset when you take it away. Just let them cry about it, they'll get over it.

Chicks and chickens often don't like change, but they are adaptable. As hard as it may be if they start complaining the first time they are in true dark, chop up some fruit, go grab a bowl of vanilla ice cream, add the fruit, and enjoy. By the time you finish even one scoop they should be over it.

Chicks and chickens often don't like change, but they are adaptable. As hard as it may be if they start complaining the first time they are in true dark, chop up some fruit, go grab a bowl of vanilla ice cream, add the fruit, and enjoy. By the time you finish even one scoop they should be over it.
Alternatively just get the whole tub of ice-cream and go to town on it

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