Nightmare hatch just keeps getting worse! Argh!


7 Years
Jan 27, 2015
Redding, California
My little Cuckoo Marans girl, who is just barely s year old, has just hatched her SECOND brood! Talk about a go-getter! After eight little fuzzy balls had gotten ready to Sally forth, mama abandoned caution, and began to tromple on the remaining five eggs.

One egg got crushed before I discovered what was happening. The wretched little fuzzy balls had eaten the as yet unabsorbed yolk, and the chick was dead. Of the other four, two are clear when candled. The last two were peeping, so I removed them from harms way. Unfortunately, one had already been caved in a bit in one spot. Because I do not have a working incubator presently, I have them under a heat lamp.

The undamaged egg is coming right along. Unzipping, and noisily peeping. The damaged egg is not so great. Now the little guy is shrink wrapped. Peering through the hole, it does not look to me as though he is quite ripe! What does one do now???

Any advice will be profoundly appreciated!! Thank you!


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My little Cuckoo Marans girl, who is just barely s year old, has just hatched her SECOND brood! Talk about a go-getter! After eight little fuzzy balls had gotten ready to Sally forth, mama abandoned caution, and began to tromple on the remaining five eggs.

One egg got crushed before I discovered what was happening. The wretched little fuzzy balls had eaten the as yet unabsorbed yolk, and the chick was dead. Of the other four, two are clear when candled. The last two were peeping, so I removed them from harms way. Unfortunately, one had already been caved in a bit in one spot. Because I do not have a working incubator presently, I have them under a heat lamp.

The undamaged egg is coming right along. Unzipping, and noisily peeping. The damaged egg is not so great. Now the little guy is shrink wrapped. Peering through the hole, it does not look to me as though he is quite ripe! What does one do now???

Any advice will be profoundly appreciated!! Thank you!
he's not ready yet. keep him warm. If you're not grossed out by the idea, human body heat is good enough to keep them warm. if you're worried about them getting too hot under the light. use vasaline or coconut oil to moisten the membrane and you'll be able to see those veins clearly.

it's going to be at least 3-4 hours for the one you've been assisting to be ready.
I can't thank you all enough! And, thanks to our local dollar store, I have coconut oil!

I would like to keep the damaged one warm with body heat. Seems less drying. But, since the egg is so damaged, I am terrified of crushing it further. I have many times gone about my chores with an intact egg, or weak chick, or puppy, inside of my bra. But my imagination has this poor baby getting stabbed with the shards of his own shell! How to keep that from happening?

I assume that, once the family (chickens, not humans) has gone to bed for the night, I should probably slip both back under mom? Or no?

Thank you so very, very much!

BTW - The hatched one has GADS of energy! But, my little late (for his siblings) bloomer seems to be getting tired, or bummed out. He is still breathing, but not moving or peeping much anymore.



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Thank you! Now, when you say that he will get trampled, do you mean just the unhatched one? Or should they both stay out? The one that is hatched is only willing to quiet down when I have him in my cupped hands, or under my chin. Otherwise he is frantic to be picked up. I assume that under mom would satisfy him, too... Too unsafe, do you think?
I can't thank you all enough! And, thanks to our local dollar store, I have coconut oil!

I would like to keep the damaged one warm with body heat. Seems less drying. But, since the egg is so damaged, I am terrified of crushing it further. I have many times gone about my chores with an intact egg, or weak chick, or puppy, inside of my bra. But my imagination has this poor baby getting stabbed with the shards of his own shell! How to keep that from happening?

I assume that, once the family (chickens, not humans) has gone to bed for the night, I should probably slip both back under mom? Or no?

Thank you so very, very much!

BTW - The hatched one has GADS of energy! But, my little late (for his siblings) bloomer seems to be getting tired, or bummed out. He is still breathing, but not moving or peeping much anymore.

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The written parts on the pictures look right to me. At the moment biggest concern to me would be the yolk sac sticking to your skin and tearing if you were to use your body heat.

If youve got the inner membrane removed down to the point of the egg with no bleeding then there shouldnt be any more bleeding taking the shell off....

But, i have only had 1 of i think ive had 4 total chicks survive hatching with yolk left on the outside.

There were a lot of conflicting articles online for what you should do. The only one thay worked for me was sticking the left over yolk to the chick belly fluff and leaving it to dry and fall off.

I cant guarntee that it will work for you though.

Also im not sure id trust a momma with the chicks unless youre willing to loose them. Ive never used a broody before though so maybe wait on someone elses opinion on that.

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